We build applications for the future

We love to use modern technologies to build great solutions that not only solve problems and challenges, but do it in a scalable, maintainable, and elegant way.

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hastl: modern web-application starter kit

Hastl is a modern Haskell web application template using (H)tmx, (A)lpine.js, (S)ervant, (T)ailwind-css and (L)ucid. It is licensed under MIT and is entirely free and open source.

hastl is primarily tested with PostgreSQL but it uses the popular persistent haskell library as an ORM and therefore can be used with most popular databases.


  • Type-safe APIs - hastl uses Servant to define APIs that make up the application, providing type safety and consistency across the application, with the haskell type-checker keeping you honest as you develop
  • Modern frontend with htmx - the use of htmx in hastl allows you to build modern user interfaces with the simplicity and power of hypertext, with haskell and lucid2 doing the heavy lifting
  • Live reloading with GHCID - since we're writing almost all of our code in the backend, hastl uses GHCID to instantly reload your project as you make changes

audiocate: Audio encoding authentication library

The purpose of audiocate is to embed meaningful payloads into audio that will allow a decoder to verify that the payload came from a trusted source. The primary motivation is to combat the rising misuse of audio deepfakes generated by modern Artificial Intelligence (AI).

For this, it makes use of the TOTP (Time-based One Time Password) algorithm to introduce a time-horizon into the algorithm.


  • Robust Least Significant Bit (LSB) audio encoding
  • Low memory footprint and high performance when working with projects with large audio files through conduit streaming
  • Audio source validation with time-horizon limited validity windows